Port Phillip Seasonal Moorings

Port Phillip Seasonal Moorings Mooring


The seasonal mooring sites are intentionally shallow to enable mooring holders to walk out to their vessels. The obligation is on the vessel owner to ensure the site allocated is suitable for the vessel.

Parks Victoria highly recommends that you visit the site to confirm that the mornings are suitable for your vessel.

Mooring Technology:
The environmentally friendly swing moorings protect the marine environment by keeping all mooring components off the sea bed at all times. More information can be found at www.seagrassmooring.com.au

The seasonal moorings are a screw pin design which is embedded 1.5 metres into the substrate using a vessel-mounted hydraulic drilling unit. A 360 degree swivel connection is attached to the anchor point with a floating UV resistant rope leading to the top float. Seasonal moorings must not be modified by vessel owners in any way.
The top float is a yellow buoy with Parks Victoria identification and q site number.
Successful applicants for seasonal moorings do not need to provide any additional mooring tackle.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Who owns the seasonal mooring?
Parks Victoria owns the seasonal moorings and has had them installed by an Authorised Mooring Tackle Contractor.

What do I do if another vessel is using the seasonal mooring I have booked?
Contact Parks Victoria on 13 1963 and provide details of the offending vessel if available such as vessel registration and vessel name. Parks Victoria will address any dispute over occupancy.

When can I use the seasonal mooring?
If you have booked a seasonal mooring it can be used for the nominated time on your application form. The seasonal moorings can be booked for a full season or half of the season.

What size and type of vessel can apply for a seasonal mooring?
The seasonal moorings are suitable for trailerable vessels up to 7 metres.

Can I share the seasonal mooring I have booked with vessels owned by other people?
No. Only the vessel that is listed on the application form can use the seasonal mooring. Seasonal mooring applicants must be the owner of the vessel listed on the application form.

What do I do if my vessel comes off the seasonal mooring?
Check attachment points of seasonal mooring and fittings of vessel. It is the responsibility of the vessel owner to ensure that the vessel is inspected frequently and is maintained in a safe and seaworthy condition.

What do I do if the seasonal mooring tackle or buoy is damaged?
Remove vessel from the seasonal mooring and contact Parks Victoria on 13 1963.

What do I do if a vessel from a neighbouring mooring impacts on my vessel?
Contact Parks Victoria on 13 1963 and provide all relevant details of the offending mooring and vessel if available such as the mooring site number vessel registration and vessel name.

What do I do if the seasonal mooring is not suitable for my vessel?
Seasonal moorings must not be modified by vessel owners in any way. Contact Parks Victoria for advice.

What do I do in the event of forecast storm warnings?
Remove the vessel from the seasonal mooring and retrieve via the nearest boat ramp.

Location & Directions

Port Phillip,

Cancellation Policy

No refunds or transfers. Please make sure your vessel is eligible (no longer than 7 metres in length) before booking.

Failure to comply may result in the cancellation of your mooring permit.

• Payment of fees is to be made in advance. Fees cannot be altered on a pro rata basis if a shorter seasonal period is required.

The Mooring:
• Mooring tackle is the property of Parks Victoria and must not be modified by seasonal mooring permit holders in any way. Parks Victoria has installed the seasonal moorings and therefore retains responsibility for the maintenance and serviceability of the mooring. Any deviation from the current configuration is not permitted. Contact Parks Victoria on 13 19 63
• Is not transferrable to another person or vessel

The Vessel:
• Must be registered at all times in the name of the permit holder. No other vessel is to occupy the mooring without approval from Parks Victoria.
• Must be no longer than 7m in length and comply with the Marine Safety Act 2012.
• Must clearly display the vessel’s registration number and/or identification markings.
• Should be trailerable to allow removal in case of storm events.
• It is the permit holder’s responsibility to ensure that the vessel is inspected frequently and is maintained in a safe and seaworthy condition.
• The permit holder must not allow any person/s to reside on the registered vessel occupying the seasonal mooring.

• Parks Victoria does not warrant that the site (mooring or berth) is suitable for the vessel and is not liable in any way for any loss damage or liability suffered by the holder of this permit in relation to the Vessel or as a result of any action taken by Parks Victoria to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the local port.
• Occupation and use of the seasonal moorings is at the permi